
Anxiety : When our situations REALLY are messed up!

The thing that I have failed to acknowledge in this series is the idea of "Reality". I don't want to come off like  I"m sugarcoating anything. I don't want to these posts to come off as some lofty, floaty, new age, type of ideas. It is anything but that. What I want to communicate in this series on anxiety is that God is bigger than ALL of our problems. One of the biggest setbacks and strongholds to overcoming anxiety and fear is that we grapple with this idea of reality and the fact that sometimes our situations  really are messed up. Maybe you're having one of those King David kind of days - that lasts for MONTHS. Maybe someone's coming after you and you have no clue why....insert anything you want. But the point I'm trying to make is, though our jacked up situations  can easily send anyone into a panic attack, curled up in the corner, we as Followers of God we are called to something different than the world.
So what do you do with that?
I look to scripture because these were real people's lives (contrary to some people believing they are just great fairy tales). King David was a REAL PERSON and yes, In the midst of [one of] his messed up situations, David says:
 "I trust in the Lord for protection. So why do you say to me...". (Psalm 11:1)
 He silenced the world, the enemy, naysayers, and even his own crazy flesh/mind with this one declaration that God has the last say in His life.

See, anxiety has absolutely nothing to do with our sitautions around us. Why? Because although our situations change, God doesn't.  Isn't that an awesome truth? (James 1:17). David reminded himself that He still ruled from Heaven, He sees all, He loves justice and He is the rewarder of those who seek after Him. In looking at David's very different response, I see that there was an absence of fear.

David didn't fear because he had protection! Would you be scared walking down the street at night if you had a machine gun? Surrounded by body guards? Etc? See, David knew he was protected by someone much bigger than himself. Yet we often forget this and it's evidenced in this lie that we tell ourselves all the time: perfection > protection. We think we need everything in life to go right and then we'll feel better. But David always saw it the other way around. He knew Who his Protector is!

If you haven't gotten it by now, it's of course God Himself! You cannot find true protection and security OUTSIDE of Him EVER!  

When we remember this, that's when the peace will manifest. And that's when we'll have true rest.  If David hadn't focused on God and instead on his own strength when he was outnumbered he would've been extremely fearful and rightfully so! Because he would've been without protection. He needed someone so much bigger than himself and we have that in our Father! 

Peace and Rest only comes when we know without a shadow of a doubt that Our protection is God. But not only this, we cannot just know it but we must trust in Him !! What God has shown me in the above verse is if we don't trust in Him then we cannot receive His protection. And this isn't because  He isn't Mighty or Faithful! No, He is ALL THOSE THINGS AND MORE. Imagine this: God is standing there with His umbrella open and it's pouring rain. We want protection and shelter from the rain and we cryout for help...yet we won't get under it. We won't get under His Wings. We won't get behind His shield.  If we are running around like a chicken with our heads cut off  flipping out over our situations then we cannot do that. We may get under it for a while but then keep darting off this way or that way in hopes of finding a better way (which is "our own strength" or lack thereof).

So the key to finding freedom from anxiety in really messed up situations is if at the first sight of fear we run under His wings and Hide behind His shield. And we remain there faithfully waiting upon Him because we trust Him.

I thank God because He is so loving and He always wants to be our ever present Help. He is so patient with us in our disobedience and our pride. He reminded me yet again that He tells us to do this because He knows there is no other true protection. He is Protection itself and anything else (money, a perfect life, getting married, getting a new job) is really just a counterfit for Him. And we will sadly be dissapointed if we keep down that path. He also tells us to do this because He knows we are utterly weak; we MUST depend on Him Fully! We must remember that the  devil is like a lion that roars and seeks after someone to devour but we shouldn't fear because He cannot get past the Great Lion of Judah. Seek Refuge in Him alone.

For more meditation  see sources below:
Other recommended reading : Psalm 91

Here's a great song to help you meditate and renew your mind  


Anxiety: What's the Mind got to do with it?

What's the big deal about what we think about? Don't think there's a connection between how we think and how we feel? There is most definitely a connection between anxiety/worry and what thoughts are going on. And even more so God Himself cares about our thoughts!!
Let's see what the Bible has to say about this:

Submit Your Mind to God
From the very beginning, God told us that our mind matters! Surrender does include our  minds.  The word says to surrender our Hearts, souls, AND MIND to God.  SO from the very beginning, God acknowledges that our minds are to be submitted to him as well. We cannot simply submit in action but not in our minds and think we are obeying Him...we are not...

Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit
It's so easy to think it's just about what we put into our bodies ie food. But our bodies also include OUR MINDS. What do we put inside our minds? What we must remember is that the Holy Spirit Himself dwells inside of us and we are called not to grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can see and hear all that goes on - so make Him comfortable!  We cannot think anything and He not be grieved. We cannot let thoughts of hate or worry or whatever else just linger in our minds and think the Holy Spirit is just enjoying that. He's not, He's grieved!

We must realize that  in us having a wonderful PERSONAL relationship with Jesus it is not just going down the list of ABC's and 10 commandments Mindlessly; We must get personal. And it can be different for every person. And that's perfectly Ok. But what we do know is that God is not concerned only about our actions but also our thoughts.  He knows and loves those tiny details. He's not only grieved by what we think of others but what we think of ourselves. Throughout the Bible God tells us what He thinks of us, what He created us to be and what He wants us to do and He wants us to think in this way. So we need to remember that we must submit our minds to God and not grieve the Spirit by what's going on in the mind.

Why would I write a whole post on the mind? Well because I myself had no thought control. i thought my thoughts didn't matter much and I didn't realize all the things I wrote above. Over time, God began to reveal that to me. And that I was really putting my own self into bondage and keeping myself there because I was choosing to listen and dwell on the thoughts in my mind. But let me tell you that I have seen such great changes in my feelings and thought life when i took a stance against my thoughts. I no longer will not allow any thought to dwell in my mind. No you cannot stop thoughts that just pop up. They can be influenced by your flesh, the devil himself or the world. But if IS OUR job to take every thought captive and cast it down. If a sinful thought pops into your mind you are to cast it down. If you let some thought dwell then repent and cast it down. I came to realize it's not only my actions that matter but we see throughout the Bible our God is omniscient and He knows ALL!

But the truth of the matter with anxiety if you want God to free you from it one of the first steps is realizing that you are participating in this bondage. You must see that each time you let a thought stay you are strengthening that anxiety. If you let anxiety producing thoughts hang out in your mind...guess what? YOU WILL BE ANXIOUS!

So when you're feeling anxious take time to examine your thoughts. Don't accept that thought but challenge it! The first few times you do it , it may seem pointless but I can tell you from experience, strongholds WILL be broken off if you obey Him and choose to submit yourself in mind and honor the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you.


Meditations for the Anxious : Psalm 23

Tonight * I was reading Psalm 23 (the "Funeral" Chapter) and I realized that so many times we read it and think of it in the future ie we WILL have peace, rest, etc. But I recognize that David wrote Pslam 23 in the present; he wrote that RIGHT NOW "i shall not want" . It didn't matter what his situation was and he didn't wait for "tangible" or "visible" blessings as confirmation that that was true. He also didn't make it his life's goal to chase after peace, rest, comfort and make idols of them because he knew that no sitaution or mateiral possession could fulfill him. When we as followers realize that we have everything we need because we have the Great Reward we will too be able to stand like David in midst of trouble and declare "I shall not want".

** this post was originally written on September 3, 2012 and scheduled to post


Anxiety : The lack of Peace

Let's be honest and clear here. If we are anxious about something...we are not trusting the Lord. This is a truth that people often love to argue against and twist around. But worrying and anxiety is something that God straight up told us not to do [Philippians 4:6 for example].  But we will never stop worrying /being anxious UNTIL we admit this. Only then can we repent and move towards freedom.

No one LIKES anxiety. What we're really looking for is peace.
But why don't I have it??

Truth : Peace is a byproduct. According to Galatians 5, Peace is a fruit of the Spirit. If you look around at the world, that's what people are always searching for. We see actors and the richest people with no care in the world have no peace. WHY? Because the Holy Spirit produces it. We ourselves cannot produce it!
Practical Application #1:The Spirit-Filled Life.

There's nothing more practical than the Spirit filled life. Only following the Holy Spirit on a moment by moment basis will bring peace. I wish I had an easier answer than this. But peace only comes when we follow the Spirit. That means if you are living a life in rebellion to God then you do not have any LASTING peace [note that there is something called a temporary peace but what's temporary is nothing but a counterfeit] .
Practical Application #2: Taking Every Thought Captive/Embrace Truth.
So what if I am NOT in rebellion to God? Why then don't I experience peace? Well, one thing that I have learned in looking at David is that there is something about our thoughts. In an earlier post we discussed truth being the Gatekeeper. This is the practical "how to" of doing that. Literally we must choose to say "no" to that thought and "yes" to truth. Here's an example. Let's say we're worrying about messing up something so bad and not even the Lord can fix it. So, this is obviously a lie but what truth can we combat it with? Proverbs 3:5-6 promises that if we trust in the Lord He makes our paths straight. IF we cast down that lie we will then choose to think on this truth that God promises His protection and Guidance. This verse speaks on not just guidance and showing us where to go BEFORE we get into a "situation", but also tremendous favor and grace to overcome/plow through/protect us against any obstacles or enemies that might try to derail our path.
This verse shows us that we have NOTHING to worry about. We don't need to entertain the "whatifs". Why? Because He is Sovereign... He is in control. Not me. Not you. Not the President. Not your mom. But HIM. And if deep down in your heart, your motive and desire is to do His will, you will get to your destination because HE will get us there.  Our job is to walk and to trust and not worry and try to figure things out. Even if you make a "wrong turn"...He will simply "recalculate" and get you to where you are supposed to be. Taking every thought captive is simply us walking by the Spirit and choosing His way. If we seriously think on What Would Jesus Do? we would KNOW that He would BELIEVE Truth. That's exactly what He did in the desert when He encountered the Devil. He simply kept casting down those lies and choosing truth. The Word is the Spirit. So we must fight with TRUTH. It's not by our Strength or our own hands. Wield the Sword that God has provided for us! There is POWER IN THE WORD.


Anxiety : We need a Gatekeeper

We encounter many thoughts that pass through our own mind.
We cannot simply let ANY and EVERY thought go pass. We need someone or something to sift through this so we can know what is clear and what should be denied.
What we need is a GATEKEEPER.
Where do we find that?
Truth is the Gatekeeper.

Now that may sound super simple but it's not always so. Why? Because we need discernment. We hear many voices throughout the day [through media, other people, the enemy, our flesh etc] Are we going to listen to what the world, Satan, and our flesh has to say? Or what God has to say? That's why it's important to pray for discernment so we are not hearing false truth.

The quicker that we realize that...the quicker we can cling to His truth.  Nothing else brings lasting peace. Yes, many things can give a temporary peace. And by temporary that just means it's nothing but a cheap counterfeit that never satisfies.

 Application [Suggestions]:
Pray and ask God to reveal what lie you've been believing if you have lost your peace. This is something I do if I lose my peace. But He is faithful to always reveals it. Perhaps it's something that you've been watching or someone you've been talking to. IF all of a sudden you are scared to sleep at night...perhaps it's not wise to watch Unsolved Mysteries every night before bed. Maybe it's your friend that might be the Human version of Eeyore. Sometimes it will be absolutely obvious. Sometimes it won't be. That's why it's best to pray! Sometimes we've been believing a lie for sooo long that we can't even see it! Sometimes God may lead you to ask a friend or someone you're close with like a family member and they can help you to discern the lie. God is so willing to help us and it is His will that we be free in mind. But He does ask us to do this one thing which is to cling to the Truth that He's provided to us in the Word of God and in His wise people.

The Cure for Anxiety

Well, to be straight ot the point..the cure is Jesus. HE is the answer for everything. No matter what the question is. It's something we all know, but at the same time, people are often confused on the practical issues of anxiety. Well, fortunately, Jesus really IS practical.      

     When we're anxious it's because we're freakng out about something that is GOING to happen...which might never happen. But maybe it WILL happen. Or maybe it is happening...RIGHT NOW. So what do we do with this fear, this anxiety? Trust Him. How? Let's talk about this in this new series.
Xoxo Mila!


Facebook : Life, Death & Lot's Wife

Immediately after I posted about Lot's Wife, I went to type in someone's name on my facebook and a certain person popped up. T I hadn't contacted that person in a few years nor had I been thinking about them. See in my last post I said, do not reminisce on xyz. You fill in the blank. Well, this is my xyz. Or one of them because we have multiple xyz's. This certain person tried to contact me through another source and so forth and I knew that I was not to be in contact with them. But right then and there I had a decision to make. Keep looking forward or look back? FB is not evil BUT it seeing that person on there jsut could've taken me down a completely different path (please see previous post).


Victory comes from Him alone

Didn't there always seem to always be something happening in David's life? Not only that but David had many, many enemies and people were set out to kill him. It's so crazy to me as I was reading this verse (see link to Psalm 3 below) under the dryer at the hair salon today. How often is it true that I complain and worry about "enemies" or "unfavorable circumstances". I can honestly say that I have never had someone try to kill me. Yet I complain when someone makes one rude complaint to me. Ahh! Look at David! I'm currently reading through the psalms now . When trying to figure where I wanted to go and read next through the Word I felt that this was appropriate because I knew that I wanted to be a woman after God's own heart. So why not turn to read of the Psalmists who glorified God throughout the entire Psalms. This is truth : Though his enemies may've been bigger and outnumbered him at times, he  was still victorious and successful because he knew :

 that he couldn't fight his own battles. 

Ouch. That's an ego breaker. Not only are we weak but the entire purpose of our lives is to glorify Him. And we do not glorify Him by making our cause famous but making HIM famous. SO we must know that we cannot fight our own battles but that the battle belongs to the Lord.  Success and victory only comes from God; He is our shield and deliverance comes from Him only. If I fight them myself, I will fall flat on my face. He will receive glory when I trust in Him and walk by the Spirit. Our victory glorifies Him. Let us always turn back like the Psalmist, pointing to Him and making Jesus (even more) famous.


Lot's Wife : How Not to Look Back

But Lot's wife looked back as she was following behind him, and she turned into a pillar of salt.
Genesis 19:26 (NLT)

Source: via Mijoi on Pinterest
So I had written a post before this and I deleted it. So, I'm not going to retype it. We'll just start here. Lot's wife became a pillar of salt. God really was focusing me on this. This account in the Bible always bothered me a bit, I think because I never gave much thought to it. But tonight, God was speaking to me about this. About how she looked back. Why she looked back. Why we shouldn't. And how I do this in my own life! Here God is trying to set me free and here I am trying to hold onto my shackles like some shiny Tiffany bracelets. The problem is, we don't see it like He sees it! And what good is it if He sets us free yet in our hearts we delight and long and savor SIN! Sin in the heart is still sin.
There is no magical formula. I don't claim to give one. But here are some things I will share with what I feel God has outlined for me in hopes that this might also help someone else.


  1. KEEP LOOKING FORWARD/DON'T LOOK BACK.Take EVERY THOUGHT CAPTIVE. Do not remininsce on old boyfriends, movies, old friends, old places you used to hang out at, etc that God called out as sin, bondage and delivered you from.  And we CAN do something and should do something about those phsycial things lying around that reminds us of these times. Do you still have pictures of your old boyfriend that God said was an unequally yoked relationship? Get rid of the pictures. Still hanging out with the friends that caused you to get put in jail? Maybe it's time for new friends.  If you're like me, I have always listened to a lot of music growing up in a musical family. I remember my life in music as in what was my favorite song at that time. There are certain bands or songs that I cannot listen to. It reminds me of specific people or specific times. Rather I CAN but I choose not to. So I cleaned out my ipod and chucked a whole lot of cds. Yes, money down the drain!! But we have to decide what freedom is worth. We are setting our minds, our thoughts, and our hearts against Him when we long after these things. Going back to those places are not for them to be "enjoyed" and "longed after" because that doesn't glorify Jesus to savor in your sin. It does however glorify Jesus if it is for a testimony of His goodness and His mercy and love!
  2. IGNORE PEOPLE'S SO CALLED WISDOM. How many times have I done something that I KNOW God told me not to do but I did it because everyone else is doing it? This usually happens when that thing is not "bad or evil " in  itself . But the thing is a personal relaitonship with Jesus involves our heart. So if something just as neutral as a book is causing you to sin...then we must cut it off. We can't follow the crowd. You are not to please them but God. (this is not to say people can't offer you Godly advice, but we know when God tells us to do something and then we're just talking our way out of it! ) 
  3. PRAY and SEEK THE LORD. Let's be honest. We cannot make those longings dissappear by ourselves. Because what we truly want is a heart change.  Yes, these above things will stop you from feeding them. But only praying and seeking the Lord will be the nourishment we need spiritiually.  As a result  it will change our hearts and fill us up and satisfy us. Only then will we stop longing after those things we tried to feed off of like the Samaritan woman and only found it was so dissatisfying. When she encountered Jesus she left her water jar and ran off to tell everyone about the Christ. Spending time with Jesus WILL give you new desires and reading His Word will renew your mind. And of course , PRAY. Pray that Jesus gives you His sight and feelings on this sin.  Lot's wife looked back like she was missing out on something good but if she saw it like God saw it I'm sure, she wouldn't have looked back. Pray that God transforms your mind to see whatever it is in the same way He sees it!  And also because sometimes you just find yourself looking back sometimes, you can even pray for the Holy Spirit to convict you immediately when you start to and for you to be oh so sensitive to it.and make you aware of it.
I have not mastered this myself and do not claim to be perfect. I am walking trying to learn more of Him. I do believe that Jesus will answer this prayer if it comes from a sincere heart and He will see these acts of faith though.
Let us remember Lot's wife.
xoxo Mila


In bondage to Beauty

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day.
2 Corin. 4:16
So, I cut my hair....
after I got it cut, no makeup & all (Well other than the lipstick lol)

Earlier this year I couldn't stop talking about how I wanted to grow out my hair. I REFUSED to cut it. I hated trims! I had in extensions for a while too! I was sooo excited. And then guess what? My hair started falling out. In clumps. randomly. And it was weird as it wasn't from the scalp but breaking off midstrand. I knew it wasn't from being dry or damaged or from split ends. So what did I do? Freak out! Big time. And guess what? That did nothing but wasted my time and made me mad and be worried. Why? Because I thoguht I was going to go bald! Now this might sound really extreme but it's true ! It's actually a "legitimate" worry. When I was in middle school the sides of my hair began falling out. It began breaking off from bottom straight on up and eventually on the right side it fell out at the root. And it never grew back. My signature ponytails were ruined. And  I wasn't being paranoid either because people would come up to me and say "did your hair fall out?" or "what happened?". Side note: NEVER ASK ANYONE THAT ! I'm sure they noticed the bald spot before you did . But back to the story, it was very noticeable and to "cover it up" I always had to wear a bang pushed over to that side to cover it. I will tell you that I am well in my 20's and I just only really got over that about last year or so. I got tired of worrying about it. Thank you Jesus! And then...this happens again and over the Enemy plants the belief that this same thing will happen again.
my extensions

But this time...I was prepared. Yes, I had my mother to calm me down a few times. But God really dealt with me about this. He challenged me : Mila, what would that mean to you if your hair did fall out? I felt God asking me this. He was asking me, what would that mean to you? Would your whole world fall apart? Is your life built around your hair? Is your beauty built around your whole head? I prayed to Him instead of worrying and He answered. I know this sounds crazy but yes, I prayed to God about what to do to my hair as in what conditioner to use. Because each time my hair was falling out so much when I'd shampoo I didn't even want to wash it! If you looked at it, I'd just fall out! Well, in the end my hair is very healthy and I felt that it was time to cut my hair. Totally something I said I would NEVER do. My hairstylist had been saying how I should do a bob and I was like DEFINITELY NOT. But go figure, here I come calling her telling her to chop it all off. God had given me freedom, because I told her she could do whatever she wanted to do to it. WHATEVER. Just chop it off. I went in with no picture. And guess what ? I love my hairstyle! I thought I would hate it but I absolutely loved it. I like not having all that hair.

Let's be honest though, the real reason I didn't want to cut my hair was because of how I would like. Or how I thought I would look. Isn't that always our issue when we change our physical appearance or due to some freak accident it is changed? I was convinced that I would look like a boy. Yes, I'd chop off my hair, and no one would recognize me and start calling me sir. When we're in bondage we think irrational and illogical things like that instead of truth. We as women are often in bondage to beauty (see previous post) ...To the outer, temporary things. But the truth is we are being renewed day by day (2 Corin. 4:16) in the InnerMan.   We are so worried about what we will look like we forget that it's the inside that really matters! Our bodies are breaking down day by day.  Cutting my hair was probably one of the best things I've done in a while. Shorter hair doesn't change me. I'm still the same Khamila. This scripture is what has been on my mind:
"And if your right hand causes you to sin, cut it off and throw it away....Matthew 5:30
Quite literally, cut, remove, and get rid of anything that keeps you in bondage and cause us to sin [it could be anything...clothes, food, money, your kids, etc]. Sometimes it's literally removing those things or people such as friends. But maybe it's just refusing to keep putting that thing or person in the place where God should be.  It's the cuting off and getting rid of in His Power that maintains that freedom that Jesus has already given us .

We just must be willing.
recent picture
xoxo Mila


A girl's guide to being Beautiful

Lately, I've been doing a study on beauty (see below for link for this fab book I'm going through) and God has been renewing my mind and reminding me of the true source of beauty and how the world distorts it.

How and where to obtain beauty...
True Beauty comes from Him
If we keep believing that beauty comes from somewhere other than from God's hand we will always be dissappointed and let down. Always. We must know that God is the Creator and He says you're beautiful BECAUSE He created you!
Psalm 139:14 :"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."
True Beauty is Internal
1 Samuel 16:7 : "But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The LORD does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart."
1 Peter 3:3-4 : "Your beauty should not come from outward adornment, such as braided hair and the wearing of gold jewelry and fine clothes. Instead, it should be that of your inner self, the unfading beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is of great worth in God's sight."
True beauty has absolutely nothing to do with what your appearance. God's not against wearing makeup but instead challenges us to look at our hearts. Do I For long for physical beauty more than God's definition beauty?  Do I find my worth in Jesus or in how "attractive" I look? Am I controlled by [trying to achieve] physical beauty or the Holy Spirit?
This bondage to beauty is a common struggle for most women and the truth is being set free only happens once we let go of the lie that true beauty lies in the external appearances.

Oh how He loves us Part 1

Source: etsy.com via Khamila on Pinterest
This is what the Lord had me reading over today: Isaiah 43:1-7.
How I love the book of Isaiah! The Holy Spirit often reminds me of something from this book. This past week or so I have made it a point to meditate on the Love of God. That includes me reading certain books, handpicking certain sermons to listen to while at work, even song playlists, etc. Basically things to help my mind be set on this beautiful truth.
There's something so very overwhelmng about this very fact. That we were created. Sometimes we forget that we are finite beings. Some people think they were created out of the blue. We evolved. There was some big bang. whatever. But here the Lord tells us Truth...He says we have a beginning. And God declares right here that He Himself is our Maker. This is a very basic truth but it is so rich when we look at what this all entails. 
 What a wonderful Maker! He knows us inside out, He formed us with His very hands. He didn't mess up one bit. He did it all perfectly. What an intimate relationship that is! He knows me better than I know myself! He knows my potential! He knows my future! He literally put me together! When no one had a clue that I would even exist He had already thought me up! He knew when I was to make an appearance. He knew what color my skin would be. My hair. Everything. It's really basic but so rich. You are beautifully and wonderfully made. (see Psalm 139) 
And God says that He ransomed us. To be ransomed is to be redeemd.He redeemed us by paying a price. We were captives, now set free! Praise God that today, I am reconciled FULLY to HIm by the Blood of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ - God Himself here on Earth - died for me, Khamila. Bam. I used to believe Jesus' death was for all of us as a whole. And it is! But, I never thought of it as Jesus Christ dying for Khamila. For me personally. And He did! For me! For you! His love is still very personal! Just as personal as how he created us one by one.
to be continued...


He's talking to YOU

Personalize every truth and every scripture until you can read it...say/see your name...and believe it. I am constantly reminded by the Lord this week that every single word is for me. And you! Enjoy.

But now, Khamila, listen to the LORD who created Khamila.
O Khamila, the one who formed Khamila says,
“Do not be afraid, for I have ransomed Khamila.
I have called Khamila by name; Khamila is mine.
When Khamila goes through deep waters,
I will be with Khamila.
When Khamila goes through rivers of difficulty,
Khamila will not drown.
When Khamila walks through the fire of oppression,
Khamila will not be burned up;
the flames will not consume Khamila

Isaiah 43:1-2


Returning to Your First Love

Whenever I feel far from  God I have to ask  myself  "WHY?" I know the obvious answer...it's because I moved away. Something is in between us. It's usually something that I have let consume my time, caused me to worry & I let it stick around and I entertain it, etcetc.

I can look back some months ago or even to when I rededicated myself to Christ. How come I'm  not nearly as on fire for Him  as I once was. In my quiet time I asked the Lord this and this verse popped up in my head:
"Remember therefore from where you have fallen; repent, and do the works you did at first"
Revelation 2:5

What are the works I did at first I thought? God made it clear that it had to do with me spending alot of time with Him. In my free time and if I had time when I could be undisturbed I would pray aloud and worship by praising Him  aloud or just signing.  With school and work, I often find myself praying but not nearly as much. And reading my Word but not nearly as much. And so I felt called to do just that. Repent, turn and repeat. I took the challenge.

I created a prayer list to help me stay focused but also asked for prayer requests so that I would not forget to pray for people. (go to the CONTACT  ME section to email me yours!). I started with the Book of Hosea as I love that Book of the Bible and always reminds me of God's love (next post more on this). Even if I'm surrounded by people I can worship silently with my headphones on and just by meditating on Him.

I began reading a new book about satisfying our Thirst. It focuses on the 2 aspects of Worshipping:It goes over the Specific Act of Worship and the Lifestyle of Worship.  This book recommended something called ABC  Worship where you basically go through the Alphabet and praise God with something beginning with each letter. Sometimes it can be challenging but always keeps me focused on Him..

I love how God always meets me right where I am. He always has an answer for me and makes it so clear if I only ask Him and then stop to listen [i sometimes forget that part!]. What might make me feel closer to Him  might be completely different from  you. Isn't that the beautiful thing? We can uniquely relate to Him!!! What matters most to Him  is that we return to our first loves and it is so easily done by thinking back to the beginning. Simply do whatever you did then.

What makes you feel closer to God when you are feeling far from Him?


Everyday Makeup Tutorial

Hi Ladies!
Another component of my blog is writing about makeup! Why? Because I love it! It's so much fun. I recorded this video for fun and shall have even more coming out soon. Next up on the list is a pinup tutorial and also a video request of how to blend eyeshadow. Please check out video below :)
All makeup Requests are to be emailed to milasmonster@gmail.com
or leave a comment anywhere!

The final look 

xoxo Mila!


Stand and knock at the door - Be Faithful!

So I really should be doing my presentaiton right now. But I wanted to do a quick post first!I just got back from attending an Al-Anon meeting. Our assignment my professor gave us was to just to go visit, check it out, and basically write about our experience.

What an experience! These women were not down and out but full of so much joy! Beautiful! Radiant! Real! Grateful! Extremely friendly. Honest. Vulnerable. They showed up faithful (years!) to walk the journey of healing.  I was so blessed by this experience and feeling renewed in  faith as I know God heals hearts and I can't help but thank Him for this reminder. Because this is for me. It's something I constantly nee dto be reminded of.

He heals.
There's hope.

Someone once told me (in relation to prayer and God answering prayer) : "Keep standing at the door knocking - be faithful!". And that phrase popped into my head in that meeting.

 They stood and knocked and they waited. And they're waiting. God heals. I want to look at that and see a miracle. Not just some everyday occurence. Because I think it's a miracle that we can recover from hurt and pain no matter how large or small. Thank you Jesus for Reminding me always of your truth.

Stand at the door. Knock. Be Faithful:

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit
(Psalm 34:18)

The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to preach good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners
(Isaiah 61:1)

He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds
(Psalm 147:3)

And just when the Accuser conveniently  challenges you and reminds you of how that applies to everyone elses' wounds (wounds we ALL have) ,
shut him down with:

For nothing is impossible with God.
(Luke 1:37)

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us"
(Ephesians 3:20)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.  For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will give him a snake? If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him!
(Matthew 7:7-11)

this song was playing as I was typing :), just thought I'd share


think.feel.live. part 2

So how do you take it to Jesus?

This is something that I have SUCH a hard time with and am finding myself doing this much more often. With a humble attitude, I just get along with Him and confess my emotions and declare that I don't want to hold onto them any longer. But I don't just stop there but instead I ask Him to help me to understand why why I feel that way. What is causing me to feel that way. More specifically what lie am I believing? Now, this takes humility in itself because regardless of if it was "someone else's fault" we don't have to be controlled by others actions. And we must be willing to acknowlledge that. But when we ask Him for revealation He WILL tell you. How do I know? In James (James 1:4-8) it says we can ask for Wisdom. So I think this very well qualifies as that. We can believe that He will show us but we may just have to be patient.

 Jesus also promises that He will do whatever we ask if we pray accoridng to His Will (1 John 5:14-15) . Is it His Will that we are conformed more to His image? Is it His Will that we are not held captive to our emotions? Is it His Will that we no longer believe LIES? Are your motives right (ie to not blame the other person )?

I know for me it is so easy to sit back and wish I didn't feel that way about someone or couldn't stop thinking about this that happened or that which happened. But I felt God saying do you really want to get rid of those emotions? Really? I had convinced myself that it was kind of a lost cause assuming that you can't really just make yourself stop feeling. This is true, we can't always just switch off an emotion. But what God showed me is that we must not only pray for help in this area BUT we must do what His word has said BY FAITH. His word says to take every thought captive. God's been showing me that as long as I keep on thinking those thoughts then those emotions will keep on coming. So see , here is the correlation between our thoughts then fuel our emotions. God's been showing me to stop pouring fuel on the flame by no longer ruminating on the offense/situation/etc. and instead pour water on the fire! Turning to the Living Water will quench that fire. It does take time but it works! And God has repeatedly given me understanding in situations to why I feel this or that way (and in response repentance.)
It's often hard think in the moment of intense emotions to think that we'll ever not have those feelings. But that's a lie. Jesus came to set the captives free and wants us to live a life by the Spirit glorifying Him.That's Truth. We can't spend time worrying about when or how. Just trust. Sometimes it's instantly, maybe tommorow. Maybe a steadfast submission to Him in that particular thing and one day you realize you don't feel that way anymore! Eitherway, He will do what He says He will do. He always stands by His Word. Just trust Him and don't worry about the How.


think.feel.live. part 1

think.feel .live  
Do we believe this?
That thoughts lead to feelings that lead to a way of life?  Literally that what we think on can control the path we take?
Our thought life matters. Our emotions matter .It's so easy for us as women to stuff our feelings away because it's so easy to think that Jesus doesn't care about how we feel. Totally not true! He cares about the brokenhearted! Jesus wept! But, worshipping your emotions is a WHOLE different thing. If we put our emotions on a pedestal in place of Jesus this is where it becomes distored. We as humans are emotional creatures and emotion can be a great thing! Bad emotions also can be helpful to us growing and experiencing a closer walk with Jesus. They can help us to know Him better, for us to humble and submit ourselves to Him and so forth. However it's HOW we choose deal with our emotions that can be so detrimental. We cannot avoid emotions but we sure can make a choice to deal with them in a healthy manner.

What exactly do I mean by healthy? Let's start by looking at the unhealthy way . An unhealthy way to deal with emotions is to be bound by them, to be in bondage and be controlled by them. So ultimately, the healthy way would be the oppsite, to be free and be controlled by the Holy Spirit.

As I've found, there's two ways to deal with emotions:
  • Ruminating
  • Taking a look with Jesus
What's the difference? Ruminating is exactly what it sounds like! It's repeating and meditating over and over again. Thinking about what that person did to you and re-experiencing those emotions. You often just feel angry all over again! You think about MORE things to be upset about. Your imagination gets the best of you and you start thinking things that may not even be true!  The alternative to this is being willing to take a look with Jesus. In order to do this you must humble yourself and invite Jesus into this process. And by inviting Him in you're decalring  that you don't want to offend Him or quench the Spirit and are yet again letting Jesus have it all.

to be continued...