
Anxiety : When our situations REALLY are messed up!

The thing that I have failed to acknowledge in this series is the idea of "Reality". I don't want to come off like  I"m sugarcoating anything. I don't want to these posts to come off as some lofty, floaty, new age, type of ideas. It is anything but that. What I want to communicate in this series on anxiety is that God is bigger than ALL of our problems. One of the biggest setbacks and strongholds to overcoming anxiety and fear is that we grapple with this idea of reality and the fact that sometimes our situations  really are messed up. Maybe you're having one of those King David kind of days - that lasts for MONTHS. Maybe someone's coming after you and you have no clue why....insert anything you want. But the point I'm trying to make is, though our jacked up situations  can easily send anyone into a panic attack, curled up in the corner, we as Followers of God we are called to something different than the world.
So what do you do with that?
I look to scripture because these were real people's lives (contrary to some people believing they are just great fairy tales). King David was a REAL PERSON and yes, In the midst of [one of] his messed up situations, David says:
 "I trust in the Lord for protection. So why do you say to me...". (Psalm 11:1)
 He silenced the world, the enemy, naysayers, and even his own crazy flesh/mind with this one declaration that God has the last say in His life.

See, anxiety has absolutely nothing to do with our sitautions around us. Why? Because although our situations change, God doesn't.  Isn't that an awesome truth? (James 1:17). David reminded himself that He still ruled from Heaven, He sees all, He loves justice and He is the rewarder of those who seek after Him. In looking at David's very different response, I see that there was an absence of fear.

David didn't fear because he had protection! Would you be scared walking down the street at night if you had a machine gun? Surrounded by body guards? Etc? See, David knew he was protected by someone much bigger than himself. Yet we often forget this and it's evidenced in this lie that we tell ourselves all the time: perfection > protection. We think we need everything in life to go right and then we'll feel better. But David always saw it the other way around. He knew Who his Protector is!

If you haven't gotten it by now, it's of course God Himself! You cannot find true protection and security OUTSIDE of Him EVER!  

When we remember this, that's when the peace will manifest. And that's when we'll have true rest.  If David hadn't focused on God and instead on his own strength when he was outnumbered he would've been extremely fearful and rightfully so! Because he would've been without protection. He needed someone so much bigger than himself and we have that in our Father! 

Peace and Rest only comes when we know without a shadow of a doubt that Our protection is God. But not only this, we cannot just know it but we must trust in Him !! What God has shown me in the above verse is if we don't trust in Him then we cannot receive His protection. And this isn't because  He isn't Mighty or Faithful! No, He is ALL THOSE THINGS AND MORE. Imagine this: God is standing there with His umbrella open and it's pouring rain. We want protection and shelter from the rain and we cryout for help...yet we won't get under it. We won't get under His Wings. We won't get behind His shield.  If we are running around like a chicken with our heads cut off  flipping out over our situations then we cannot do that. We may get under it for a while but then keep darting off this way or that way in hopes of finding a better way (which is "our own strength" or lack thereof).

So the key to finding freedom from anxiety in really messed up situations is if at the first sight of fear we run under His wings and Hide behind His shield. And we remain there faithfully waiting upon Him because we trust Him.

I thank God because He is so loving and He always wants to be our ever present Help. He is so patient with us in our disobedience and our pride. He reminded me yet again that He tells us to do this because He knows there is no other true protection. He is Protection itself and anything else (money, a perfect life, getting married, getting a new job) is really just a counterfit for Him. And we will sadly be dissapointed if we keep down that path. He also tells us to do this because He knows we are utterly weak; we MUST depend on Him Fully! We must remember that the  devil is like a lion that roars and seeks after someone to devour but we shouldn't fear because He cannot get past the Great Lion of Judah. Seek Refuge in Him alone.

For more meditation  see sources below:
Other recommended reading : Psalm 91

Here's a great song to help you meditate and renew your mind