
Meditations for the Anxious : Psalm 23

Tonight * I was reading Psalm 23 (the "Funeral" Chapter) and I realized that so many times we read it and think of it in the future ie we WILL have peace, rest, etc. But I recognize that David wrote Pslam 23 in the present; he wrote that RIGHT NOW "i shall not want" . It didn't matter what his situation was and he didn't wait for "tangible" or "visible" blessings as confirmation that that was true. He also didn't make it his life's goal to chase after peace, rest, comfort and make idols of them because he knew that no sitaution or mateiral possession could fulfill him. When we as followers realize that we have everything we need because we have the Great Reward we will too be able to stand like David in midst of trouble and declare "I shall not want".

** this post was originally written on September 3, 2012 and scheduled to post


  1. Wow that's such a great reminder! Looking forward to your next post!

    1. thanks so much for reading sarah! I'm headed over to go check out ur blog right now! God bless you!

  2. That's a deep revelation... i like the part of making peace, rest, and comfort an idol. I NEVER seen it that way. I need to meditate on that for a minute...there's something there i need to see. Come sweet revelation!

    1. thank you so much for reading & commenting Val! ah! i totally do this myself girl! it's so easy for me to want to see the results first to be satisfied. but Jesus is all we need really. Bless you and hope to hear from you in email soon =) I love receiving your emails
      Xoxo Mila
