
Anxiety: What's the Mind got to do with it?

What's the big deal about what we think about? Don't think there's a connection between how we think and how we feel? There is most definitely a connection between anxiety/worry and what thoughts are going on. And even more so God Himself cares about our thoughts!!
Let's see what the Bible has to say about this:

Submit Your Mind to God
From the very beginning, God told us that our mind matters! Surrender does include our  minds.  The word says to surrender our Hearts, souls, AND MIND to God.  SO from the very beginning, God acknowledges that our minds are to be submitted to him as well. We cannot simply submit in action but not in our minds and think we are obeying Him...we are not...

Our bodies are the Temple of the Holy Spirit
It's so easy to think it's just about what we put into our bodies ie food. But our bodies also include OUR MINDS. What do we put inside our minds? What we must remember is that the Holy Spirit Himself dwells inside of us and we are called not to grieve the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit can see and hear all that goes on - so make Him comfortable!  We cannot think anything and He not be grieved. We cannot let thoughts of hate or worry or whatever else just linger in our minds and think the Holy Spirit is just enjoying that. He's not, He's grieved!

We must realize that  in us having a wonderful PERSONAL relationship with Jesus it is not just going down the list of ABC's and 10 commandments Mindlessly; We must get personal. And it can be different for every person. And that's perfectly Ok. But what we do know is that God is not concerned only about our actions but also our thoughts.  He knows and loves those tiny details. He's not only grieved by what we think of others but what we think of ourselves. Throughout the Bible God tells us what He thinks of us, what He created us to be and what He wants us to do and He wants us to think in this way. So we need to remember that we must submit our minds to God and not grieve the Spirit by what's going on in the mind.

Why would I write a whole post on the mind? Well because I myself had no thought control. i thought my thoughts didn't matter much and I didn't realize all the things I wrote above. Over time, God began to reveal that to me. And that I was really putting my own self into bondage and keeping myself there because I was choosing to listen and dwell on the thoughts in my mind. But let me tell you that I have seen such great changes in my feelings and thought life when i took a stance against my thoughts. I no longer will not allow any thought to dwell in my mind. No you cannot stop thoughts that just pop up. They can be influenced by your flesh, the devil himself or the world. But if IS OUR job to take every thought captive and cast it down. If a sinful thought pops into your mind you are to cast it down. If you let some thought dwell then repent and cast it down. I came to realize it's not only my actions that matter but we see throughout the Bible our God is omniscient and He knows ALL!

But the truth of the matter with anxiety if you want God to free you from it one of the first steps is realizing that you are participating in this bondage. You must see that each time you let a thought stay you are strengthening that anxiety. If you let anxiety producing thoughts hang out in your mind...guess what? YOU WILL BE ANXIOUS!

So when you're feeling anxious take time to examine your thoughts. Don't accept that thought but challenge it! The first few times you do it , it may seem pointless but I can tell you from experience, strongholds WILL be broken off if you obey Him and choose to submit yourself in mind and honor the Holy Spirit dwelling inside you.


  1. Thank you for writing this.. I need such encouragement today!

    1. Donnalyn! Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. I'm so glad this entry encouraged you! Be blessed! XOXOX Mila
